
what do you know

i had a job before the last 2 1/2 children. i know that this comes quite unexpected, but that`s the plain truth. i am a "fremdsprachenkorrespondentin". i am a sucker for long words. so to be exact, i am a foreign language correspondence clerk for the ultra foreign languages english and spanish.

i haven´t even heard a word of spanish for three years now, so i will probably have to refresh that knowlegde with an even more dire need. but i don´t want to. i like english. i like it like many people do in the way that i read, watch and correspond in/with english about 80 % of my daily time. that does not mean that i don´t make many mistakes. or that my passive vocabulary is not about 5000 words bigger than my active one.

but since doing something about something is always a hassle - at least for me - i am trying to change that.
in this case it means that i will try to do this years blogging bilingual.

so every post i write will be in german and in english. quite challenging for this year i suppose but hopefully doable.

wish me luck in this endevour.

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